Basic Information
Spot API
Using the Spot API to develop applications, you can accurately obtain market data of the Bibox spot market and conduct automated transactions quickly. The Spot API contains many interfaces, which are roughly divided into the following groups according to their functions:
- Market Data Endpoints REST interface for obtaining market data
- User Data Endpoints REST interface for obtaining user private data
- Market Data Streams WebSocket interface for obtaining market data
- User Data Streams WebSocket interface for obtaining user private data
Spot API usage is as followsBase URL:
- Market Data Endpoints:
- User Data Endpoints:
- Market Data Stream: wss://
- User Data Stream: wss://
List of alternate API domains
The REST interface of the Spot API uses the following HTTP methods:
- GET Used to get market data or private data
- POST Used to submit orders and other operations
- DELETE Used to revoke orders and other operations
Parameters required by the REST interface of the Spot API should be appended to the request according to the following rules:
- Interface parameters of type GET should be appended to the Query String
- The interface parameters of the POST type should be appended to the Request Body in JSON format
- Interface parameters of type DELETE should be appended to Request Body in JSON format
The response data of the Spot API is returned in JSON format. For the specific format, please refer to the description of each interface.
Errors from the Spot API are returned in the following JSON format:
"error": error code,
"message": "error message"
Among them, error indicates the type of error, and message contains the cause of the error or a hint on how to avoid the error. For specific error types, please refer to the Error chapter.
Time or Timestamp
The time values involved in the interface parameters and response data of the Spot API are all UNIX time in milliseconds.
Traffic Restrictions
Bibox imposes the following access restrictions on requests from the same IP:
- Access Limits
- Usage Limits CPU usage limit
- Access Limits Access frequency limit
- The same IP has a maximum of 10000 requests every 10 seconds, and requests that exceed the limit will receive a -2101 error.
- The user can send up to 10,000 requests at any frequency within 10 seconds as needed, either roughly every 10ms, or 10,000 consecutive times within 1 second, then wait 9 seconds.
- Usage Limits
- The same IP consumes up to 10,000 CPU points every 10 seconds, and requests that exceed the limit will receive a -2102 error.
- Different APIs consume different CPU time, depending on how the API accesses the data.
- In this article, the way each API interface accesses data will be indicated in the form of "cache" and "database". API that accesses the cache consumes less CPU time, and API that accesses the database consumes more CPU time. Depending on the parameters sent by the user, the API may access the cache and database in a mix, or even access the database multiple times, which will increase the CPU time consumed by the API.
- The CPU time consumed by each API request will be included in the response header Bibox-Usage in the format t1:t2:t3, where t1 represents the CPU time consumed by this API request, and t2 represents the current IP consumption in the last 10 seconds CPU time, t3 represents the remaining available CPU time of the current IP in the last 10 seconds.
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'asset=BTC';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString(); // POST or DELETE replace queryStr with bodyStr
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/accounts?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
'Bibox-Expire-Time' // optional
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
- The private interface is used to access private information such as accounts and delegations, and additional signatures are required when requesting to satisfy Bibox for authentication. This section describes how to create a signature.
Generate API Key
- To create a signature, you first need to generate a combination of Api Key and Secret Key. Please keep in mind the Secret Key generated during this process because the value is only displayed once, if you forget the Secret Key, delete the Api Key and generate a new combination of Api Key and Secret Key.
HTTP Request Header
Requests to access private interfaces must append the following HTTP request headers:
- Bibox-Api-Key Generated Api Key
- Bibox-Api-Sign Signature,
The following HTTP request headers can also be appended if desired:
- Bibox-Expire-Time
- Interface expiration time.
- The value is the Unix time in milliseconds, the server will ignore requests received after this time, mainly to avoid the impact of network delays.
Create signature
Before sending the request, first determine the message body for signing. For GET type requests, Query String is the message body that needs to be signed. For POST and DELETE type requests, Body String is the message body that needs to be signed. The specific method of signing is as follows:
- Step 1: Use the Secret Key as the key to execute the HmacSHA256 algorithm on the message body that needs to be signed
- Step 2: Convert the above result to Hex String
- Step 3: Use Hex String as the value of the request header Bibox-Api-Sign
Api Key permission
Private interfaces require specific permissions to execute. Appropriate permissions can be granted to the Api Key. If the Api Key is not granted the permissions required by an interface, then requests submitted using that Api Key will be rejected.
The following permissions can be granted to Api Key:
- View permission allows Api Key to get private data.
- Trade permission allows Api Key to submit or revoke orders, and allows Api Key to obtain transaction-related data.
The permissions required by the interfaces are given in the description of each interface.
Market Data Endpoints
Get Listed Pairs
let request = require("request");
const endPoint = '';
const url = `${endPoint}/v4/marketdata/pairs?symbol=BTC_USDT`
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
"symbol": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"base": "BTC", // underlying asset code
"quote": "USDT", // denominated asset code
"status": "tradable", // trading pair status
"min_price": "100000000", // minimum price
"max_price": "0.0001", // maximum price
"price_increment": "0.0001", // price increment
"price_scale": 4, // price decimal places
"min_quantity": "0.0001", // minimum order amount
"max_quantity": "1000000", // maximum order amount
"quantity_increment": "0.0001", // Increment of order amount
"quantity_scale": 4, // order amount decimal places
"min_order_value": "10" // minimum order value
Get a list of currencies
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/marketdata/pairs
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | No | Trading pair codes, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. Multiple trading pair codes can be specified in the following two forms 1. /pairs?symbol=BTC_USDT,ETH_USDT 2. /pairs?symbol=BTC_USDT&symbol=ETH_USDT If the symbol parameter is not specified, the information of all trading pairs will be returned |
- Data source
Get Order Book
let request = require("request");
const endPoint = '';
const url = `${endPoint}/v4/marketdata/order_book?symbol=BTC_USDT`
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
"i": "1027024", // update id
"t": "1644558642100", // update time
"b": [ // buy order
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"a": [ // sell order
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
Get depth data
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/marketdata/order_book
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | yes | trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. |
level | int32 | no | Specifies the maximum level depth to return Valid values 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 Default value 100 |
price_scale | integer | No | Specify the depth of consolidation by price. For example, the price of the specified trading pair has a maximum of 4 decimal places. When price_scale=0, the price returned includes a maximum of 4 decimal places, and when price_scale=1, the returned price The price contains up to 3 decimal places, and the order quantity is the sum of all orders in the price range of 0.0010 The price returned when price_scale=2 contains up to 2 decimal places, and the order volume is the sum of all orders in the price range of 0.0100 br/>price_scale=3 The returned price contains at most 1 decimal place, and the order quantity is the sum of all orders in the price range of 0.1000. price_scale=4 The returned price contains at most 0 decimal places, and the order volume is the price range Sum of all orders in 1.0000 Valid values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Default value 0 |
Note: The data is sorted according to the best price, that is, the depth of the buy side is sorted by price from large to small, and the depth of the sell side is sorted by price from small to large
- Data source
Get Candles
let request = require("request");
const endPoint = '';
const url = `${endPoint}/v4/marketdata/candles?symbol=BTC_USDT&time_frame=1m`
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
Get K-line data
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/marketdata/candles
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | yes | trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. |
time_frame | string | Yes | K-line data time frame Valid values 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 3d, 1W or 1M |
before | int64 | No | utc time limited to return the latest time of the K-line record |
after | int64 | No | utc time limited to return the earliest time of the K-line record |
limit | integer | No | Get the maximum number of K-line records The default value is 100, the maximum value is 1000 |
- Parameter combinations and data sources supported by this interface
- symbol + time_frame --> cache
- symbol + time_frame + limit --> cache
- symbol + time_frame + before --> database
- symbol + time_frame + before + limit --> database
- symbol + time_frame + after --> database
- symbol + time_frame + after + limit --> database
The returned results are sorted by time from earliest to latest
Get Trades
let request = require("request");
const endPoint = '';
const url = `${endPoint}/v4/marketdata/trades?symbol=BTC_USDT`
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction amount
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction amount
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction amount
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
Get transaction history
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/marketdata/trades
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
| symbol | string | yes | trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. |
| start_time | int64 | no | limited to return the earliest time of transaction records |
| end_time | int64 | no | limited to return the latest time of transaction records |
| before | int64 | no | transaction id
limited to return the maximum id of transaction records |
| after | int64 | no | transaction id
limited to return the maximum id of transaction records |
| limit | integer | no | Get the maximum number of trade records
The default value is 100, the maximum value is 1000 |
- Parameter combinations and data sources supported by this interface
- symbol --> cache
- symbol + limit --> cache
- symbol + start_time --> database
- symbol + start_time + limit --> database
- symbol + end_time --> database
- symbol + end_time + limit --> database
- symbol + start_time + end_time --> database
- symbol + start_time + end_time + limit --> database
- symbol + before --> database
- symbol + before + limit --> database
- symbol + after --> database
- symbol + after + limit --> database
The parameter combination whose data source is cache is used to get the last 1000 transaction records
The parameter combination whose data source is database is used to obtain earlier transaction records
If the latest transaction record is obtained with the parameter combination whose data source is database, the result will be slightly delayed than the cache data source * Usage Usage example: Get all transaction records of a trading pair within three months
- First use the symbol + limit parameter combination to get the latest transaction record
- Use the tradeId of the first record obtained as the value of the before parameter, and repeatedly use the symbol + before + limit parameter combination to obtain more records, until all transaction records within three months are obtained and then stop
The returned results are sorted by transaction record id from small to large
Get Tickers
let request = require("request");
const endPoint = '';
const url = `${endPoint}/v4/marketdata/ticker?symbol=BTC_USDT`
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
"s": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"o": "99.00000000", // opening price
"h": "100.00000000", // highest price
"l": "0.10000000", // lowest price
"p": "4.00000200", // latest price
"q": "0.002", // latest volume
"v": "8913.30000000", // 24 hour volume
"a": "15.30000000", // 24 hour transaction value
"c": "-94.99999800", // 24 hour Change
"t": 123456, // 24 hour transaction count
"f": 1234, // 24 hour first transaction id
"bp":9959.87, // Best current bid price
"bq":0.007, // Best current bid quantity
"ap":10022.77, // Best current ask price
"aq":0.006 // Best current ask quantity
Get quote data
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/marketdata/ticker
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | Yes | Trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. Multiple trading pair codes can be specified in the following two forms 1. /pairs?symbol=BTC_USDT,ETH_USDT 2. /pairs?symbol=BTC_USDT&symbol=ETH_USDT |
- Data Source
Market Data Streams
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const biboxws = 'wss://';
let wsClass = function () {
wsClass.prototype._initWs = async function () {
let that = this;
let ws = new WebSocket(biboxws); = ws;
ws.on('open', function open() {
console.log(new Date(), 'open')
"id": 123,
"method": "SUBSCRIBE",
"params": [
setInterval(function () {
ws.on('close', data => {
console.log('close, ', data);
ws.on('error', data => {
console.log('error', data);
ws.on('ping', data => {
console.log('ping ', data.toString('utf8'));
ws.on('pong', data => {
console.log('pong ', data.toString('utf8'));
ws.on('message', data => {
console.log("rece message")
let instance = new wsClass();
instance._initWs().catch(err => {
The market information can be obtained in time by using the Websocket push service.
- Connect to Websocket server
Please use the following URL to connect to the Websocket server:
After connecting, the client can send the following JSON-formatted request to the server
"id": 123, // The request id given by the client
"method": "..." // request type
"params": [ // request parameter list
After receiving the request, the server will send the following JSON response to the client
"id": 123, // request id
"result": "..." // request result
If an error occurs, the server will send the following error message to the client
"id": 123, // request id
"error": -1000, // error code
"message": "..." // error description
At the same time, the server will also send the following data stream in JSON format to the client, the data stream contains the change information of market conditions
"stream": "BTC_USDT.trades", // data stream name
"data": ..., // data
Request: Subscribe to a data stream
"id": 1,
"method": "SUBSCRIBE"
"params": [
"stream name",
"stream name",
After connecting, please send the request to the server first, and then the server will send the corresponding data stream to the client when the market price changes.
"data stream name" is the data stream name, which is a string in the following format. symbol.data_type.param1.param2...
Among them, symbol is the name of the trading pair, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. data_type is the data type, currently only the following data types are supported order_book: depth trades: list of trades candles: candlesticks ticker: latest transaction information
After data_type is the parameter list. Different data types have different parameter lists. These will be introduced later.
Request: Unsubscribe to a data stream
"id": 1,
"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
"params": [
"data stream name",
"data stream name",
If the request is handled correctly by the server, the client receives the following response:
If an error occurs in the request, the client receives the following error response:
Request Methods
Request type and parameters
The client can send the following request to the server
"id": 123, // request id given by client
"method": "..." // request type
"params": [ // request parameter list
- The value of the method field is one of the following request types:
optional value | description |
SUBSCRIBE | 1. Subscribe to the data stream 2. The parameter is a list of data stream names 3. After successful subscription, the server will send the data stream to the client when the market price changes |
UNSUBSCRIBE | 1. Unsubscribe data stream 2. The parameter is a list of data stream names 3. After successfully unsubscribing, the client will no longer receive the corresponding data stream |
Subscribe Order Book
Subscribe to depth information*
Send the following request to subscribe to depth information
"id": 123,
"method": "SUBSCRIBE"
"params": [
- parameter
- The parameter of the request is the depth stream name, in the following format:
- <symbol>.order_book.<max depth>
- <symbol> is the name of the trading pair, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc.
- <max depth> is the maximum depth, valid values are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000
data flow
"stream": "BTC_USDT.order_book.20",
"data": {
"i": "1027024", // update id
"t": "1644558642100", // update time
"b": [ // bid
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"a": [ // ask
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
"46125.7", // Order price
"0.079045" // Order amount
After a successful subscription, the client will first receive a full-depth data stream, and then will receive an incremental change data stream. Please use the following methods to synthesize a full-depth data stream, or use the SDK.
Subscribe Trades
Subscribe to transaction list
Send the following request to subscribe to the transaction list
"id": 123,
"method": "SUBSCRIBE"
"params": [
- parameter
- The parameter of the request is the name of the transaction flow, in the following format:
- <symbol>.trades
- <symbol> is the name of the trading pair, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc.
Data flow
"stream": "BTC_USDT.trades",
"data": [
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction volume
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction volume
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
"i": "17122255", // transaction id
"p": "46125.7", // transaction price
"q": "0.079045", // transaction volume
"s": "buy", // Taker's transaction direction
"t": "1628738748319" // transaction time
Subscribe Candles
Subscribe to candles
Send the following request to subscribe to the candles
"id": 123,
"method": "SUBSCRIBE"
"params": [
- parameter
- The candles flow name format is as follows:
- <symbol>.candles.<time_frame>
- <symbol> is the name of the trading pair, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc.
- <time_frame> is the candles period, the valid values are 1m, 3m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 6h, 12h, 1d, 1w, 1M
Data flow
"stream": "BTC_USDT.candles.1m",
"data": [
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
"1644224940000", // start time
"10190.53", // opening price
"10192.5", // maximum price
"9806.82", // minimum price
"10127.37", // closing price
"0.834", // transaction volume
"8370.40506", // transaction value
"1", // first transaction id
278 // The total number of transactions in the range
Subscribe Tickers
User Data Endpoints
Get Accounts
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'asset=BTC';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/accounts?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
'Bibox-Expire-Time' // optional
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"s":"USDT", // asset code
"a":10000, // Available amount
"h":0 // frozen amount
"s":"BTC", // asset code
"a":10000, // Available amount
"h":0 // frozen amount
"s":"ETH", // asset code
"a":10000, // Available amount
"h":0 // frozen amount
Get the balance, freezing and other information of various assets in the account corresponding to the API Key
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/accounts
- Permission: View, Trade
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
asset | string | No | Asset code, such as BTC, ETH, etc. Multiple asset codes can be specified in the following two forms 1. /v4/userdata/accounts?asset=BTC,ETH 2. /v4/userdata/accounts?asset=BTC&asset=ETH If the asset parameter is not specified, it will return the information of all assets |
- Data Source
Get an account's ledger
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'asset=BTC&end_time=1651895799668&limit=10';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/ledger?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i":1125899906842648350, // entry id
"s":"BTC", // asset symbol
"T":"trade", // entry type: transfer, trade, fee
"a":0.003, // amount
"b":10.009, // balance
"t":1643289492985 // time
"i":1125899906842648350, // entry id
"s":"USDT", // asset symbol
"T":"trade", // entry type: transfer, trade, fee
"a":0.003, // amount
"b":10.009, // balance
"t":1643289492985 // time
"i":1125899906842648350, // entry id
"s":"ETH", // asset symbol
"T":"trade", // entry type: transfer, trade, fee
"a":0.003, // amount
"b":10.009, // balance
"t":1643289492985 // time
Get the bill of the account corresponding to the API Key, including all records of changing the account balance, such as fund transfer, transaction, handling fee collection, etc.
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/ledger
- Permission: View, Trade
- Request Parameters (should be sorted)
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
asset | string | No | Asset code, such as BTC, ETH, etc. Multiple asset codes can be specified in the following two forms 1. /v4/userdata/ledger?asset=BTC,ETH 2. /v4/userdata/ledger?asset=BTC&asset=ETH If the asset parameter is not specified, it will return the bill records of all assets |
start_time | int64 | No | Limited to return the earliest time of the bill records |
end_time | int64 | no | Limited to return the latest time of the bill records |
before | int64 | No | Bill record id Limited to return the maximum id value of the bill records |
after | int64 | No | Bill record id Limited to return the minimum id value of the bill records |
limit | int32 | No | Limited to return the maximum number of the bill records default 100 |
start_time | int64 | No | Limited to return the earliest time of the bill records |
start_time | int64 | No | Limited to return the earliest time of the bill records |
- Data Source
Create an order
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const param = {
let bodyStr = JSON.stringify(param);
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(bodyStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/order`;{
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
'Bibox-Expire-Time' // optional
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i": 4611688217450643477, // The order id assigned by the exchange
"I": "", // User specified order id
"m": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"T": "limit", // order type
"s": "sell", // order direction
"Q": -0.0100, // order amount
"P": 10043.8500, // order price
"t": "gtc", // Time In Force
"o": false, // Post Only
"S": "filled", // order status
"E": -0.0100, // transaction volume
"e": -100.43850000, // transaction value
"C": 1643193746043, // creation time
"U": 1643193746464, // update time
"n": 2, // Number of transactions
"F": [{
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // Transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // The asset used for the transaction to pay the handling fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The transaction fee
}, {
"i": 12,
"t": 1643193746266,
"p": 10043.85,
"q": -0.001,
"l": "maker",
"f": {
"a": "USDT",
"m": 0.01004385000
"f": [{
"a": "USDT", // Assets used to pay fees
"m": 0.10043850000 // Total handling fee
Submit an order
- Request Method: POST
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/order
- Permission: Trade
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | yes | trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. |
side | string | yes | order direction, valid value buy, sell, case insensitive |
type | string | yes | order type, valid value limit |
client_order_id | string | No | Order id, a string with a valid value of an int64 integer, it is recommended to use the Unix timestamp when the order was submitted |
quantity | decimal | No | Order Quantity |
price | decimal | No | Order Limit |
time_in_force | string | No | Order Timeliness Valid value gtc, ioc gtc means that the order that is not fully filled will remain valid until the user cancels the order ioc means that the order matching will immediately cancel the order that cannot be fully filled at the time of placing the order, Any transaction will be retained The default value gtc |
post_only | bool | no | ... |
Order object Up to 20 transactions of the order If the order has more than 20 transactions, the object only contains the last 20 transactions, and other transactions can be obtained through the fills interface
Get an order
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'id=1118621391231';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/order?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i": 4611688217450643477, // The order id assigned by the exchange
"I": "", // User specified order id
"m": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"T": "limit", // order type
"s": "sell", // order direction
"Q": -0.0100, // order amount
"P": 10043.8500, // order price
"t": "gtc", // Time In Force
"o": false, // Post Only
"S": "filled", // order status
"E": -0.0100, // transaction volume
"e": -100.43850000, // transaction value
"C": 1643193746043, // creation time
"U": 1643193746464, // update time
"n": 2, // Number of transactions
"F": [{
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // Transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // The asset used for the transaction to pay the handling fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The transaction fee
}, {
"i": 12,
"t": 1643193746266,
"p": 10043.85,
"q": -0.001,
"l": "maker",
"f": {
"a": "USDT",
"m": 0.01004385000
"f": [{
"a": "USDT", // Assets used to pay fees
"m": 0.10043850000 // Total handling fee
Get the order with the specified id
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/order
- Permission: View, Trade
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
id | string | yes | order id The order id can be assigned by the exchange, or can be defined by the user (use the client_order_id parameter when submitting the order). When using a custom id, you need to add the "c:" prefix before the id. For example: when submitting an order, a custom id "123" is used, and when obtaining an order you need to use "c:123". |
Get Orders
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'limit=2&status=settled&symbol=BTC_USDT';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/orders?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i": 4611688217450643477, // The order id assigned by the exchange
"I": "", // User specified order id
"m": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"T": "limit", // order type
"s": "sell", // order direction
"Q": -0.0100, // Order amount
"P": 10043.8500, // order price
"t": "gtc", // Time In Force
"o": false, // Post Only
"S": "filled", // order status
"E": -0.0100, // transaction volume
"e": -100.43850000, // transaction value
"C": 1643193746043, // creation time
"U": 1643193746464, // update time
"n": 2, // number of transactions
"F": [{
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // This transaction is used to pay the transaction fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The handling fee for this transaction
}, {
"i": 12,
"t": 1643193746266,
"p": 10043.85,
"q": -0.001,
"l": "maker",
"f": {
"a": "USDT",
"m": 0.01004385000
"f": [{
"a": "USDT", // Assets used to pay fees
"m": 0.10043850000 // Total handling fee
Obtain the order that meets the following conditions in the account corresponding to ApiKey
- All unsettled orders
- Settled orders within three months, including rejected, cancelled and filled orders
- All completed orders
- All cancelled partial transaction orders
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/orders
- Permission: View, Trade
- Request Parameters (should be sorted)
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
status | string | No | Valid values unsettled, settled unsettled means get unsettled orders, the returned results are sorted in reverse order by order creation time settled means settled orders are acquired, and the returned results are sorted in reverse order by order settlement time Default unsettled |
symbol | string | No | Trading pair code, such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. When status=unsettled, if symbol is not specified, it will return unsettled orders for all trading pairs When status=settled, symbol parameters must be given |
start_time | long | no | limited to return the last creation time of the order |
end_time | long | no | limited to return the last creation time of the order |
before | int64 | no | order update id limited to return the maximum update id of the order |
after | int64 | no | delegate update id limited to return the minimum update id of the order |
limit | long | No | Specify the maximum number of orders to return |
Parameter combinations and data sources supported by this interface
- status=unsettled + symbol
- status=settled + symbol + start_time
- status=settled + symbol + start_time + limit
- status=settled + symbol + end_time
- status=settled + symbol + end_time + limit
- status=settled + symbol + start_time + end_time
- status=settled + symbol + start_time + end_time + limit
- status=settled + symbol + before
- status=settled + symbol + before + limit
- status=settled + symbol + after
- status=settled + symbol + after + limit
The returned unsettled orders are sorted by creation time from earliest to latest The returned settled orders are sorted by settlement time from earliest to latest
Cancel an Order
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const param = {
let bodyStr = JSON.stringify(param);
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(bodyStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/order`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
'Bibox-Expire-Time' // optional
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i": 4611688217450643477, // The order id assigned by the exchange
"I": "", // User specified order id
"m": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"T": "limit", // order type
"s": "sell", // order direction
"Q": -0.0100, // Order amount
"P": 10043.8500, // order price
"t": "gtc", // Time In Force
"o": false, // Post Only
"S": "filled", // order status
"E": -0.0100, // transaction volume
"e": -100.43850000, // transaction value
"C": 1643193746043, // creation time
"U": 1643193746464, // update time
"n": 2, // number of transactions
"F": [{
"i": 13, // deal id
"t": 1643193746464, // transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // This transaction is used to pay the transaction fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The handling fee for this transaction
}, {
"i": 12,
"t": 1643193746266,
"p": 10043.85,
"q": -0.001,
"l": "maker",
"f": {
"a": "USDT",
"m": 0.01004385000
"f": [{
"a": "USDT", // Assets used to pay fees
"m": 0.10043850000 // Total handling fee
Revoke the order with the specified id
- Request Method: DELETE
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/order
- Permission: Trade
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
id | string | yes | order id The order id can be assigned by the exchange, or user-defined (use the client_order_id parameter when submitting the order). When using a custom id, you need to add a "c:" prefix before the id. For example: the custom id "123" is used when submitting the order, and "c:123" must be used when canceling the order. |
If the order with the specified id has been settled, or if there is no order with the specified id, you will receive a -3004 error.
Cancel all Orders
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const param = {
let bodyStr = JSON.stringify(param);
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(bodyStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/orders`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
'Bibox-Expire-Time' // optional
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
Cancel all orders
- Request Method: DELETE
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/orders
- Permission: Trade
- Request Parameters
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
symbol | string | yes | trading pair code such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. |
Returns an empty array if the request was executed correctly, otherwise returns an error message
Get fills
let CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
let request = require("request");
const endpoints = ''
const apikey = "9e03e8fda27b6e4fc6b29bb244747dcf64092996"; // your apikey
const secret = "b825a03636ca09c884ca11d71cfc4217a98cb8bf"; // your secret
const queryStr = 'limit=2&symbol=BTC_USDT';
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(queryStr, secret).toString();
const url = `${endpoints}/v4/userdata/fills?${queryStr}`;
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Bibox-Api-Key': apikey,
'Bibox-Api-Sign': sign,
function optionalCallback(err, httpResponse, body) {
if (err) {
return console.error('upload failed:', err);
console.log(body) // 7.the result
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // The asset used for the transaction to pay the handling fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The transaction fee
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // The asset used for the transaction to pay the handling fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The transaction fee
"i": 13, // transaction id
"t": 1643193746464, // transaction time
"p": 10043.85, // transaction price
"q": -0.009, // transaction volume
"l": "maker", // Maker / Taker transaction
"f": {
"a": "USDT", // The asset used for the transaction to pay the handling fee
"m": 0.09039465000 // The transaction fee
Get transaction records
- Request Method: GET
- Request Path: /v4/userdata/fills
- Permission: View, Trade
- Request Parameters (should be sorted)
Parameter name | Parameter type | Required or not | Description |
order_id | string | No | The order id assigned by the exchange Only return the transaction records of the specified order If this parameter is not specified, please specify symbol |
symbol | string | No | Trading pair code Such as BTC_USDT, ETH_USDT, etc. Only return the transaction records of the specified trading pair If this parameter is not specified, please specify order_id |
start_time | int64 | No | Limited to return the earliest time of transaction records |
end_time | int64 | No | Limited to return the latest time of transaction records |
before | int64 | No | Transaction record id Limited to return the maximum id of transaction records |
after | int64 | No | Transaction record id Limited to return the minimum id of transaction records |
limit | int32 | No | Limit the maximum number of returned results default 100 |
Parameter combinations and data sources supported by this interface
- symbol --> database
- symbol + limit --> database
- symbol + start_time --> database
- symbol + start_time + limit --> database
- symbol + end_time --> database
- symbol + end_time + limit --> database
- symbol + start_time + end_time --> database
- symbol + start_time + end_time + limit --> database
- symbol + before --> database
- symbol + before + limit --> database
- symbol + after --> database
- symbol + after + limit --> database
- order_id --> database
- order_id + limit --> database
- order_id + before --> database
- order_id + before + limit --> database
The returned results are sorted by transaction record id from small to large
User Data Streams
const CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const biboxws = 'wss://';
const apikey = "9e2bd17ff73e8531c0f3c26f93e48bfa402a3b13"; // your apikey
const secret = "ca55beb9e45d4f30b3959b464402319b9e12bac7"; // your secret
const sign = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256("", secret).toString();
let wsClass = function () {
wsClass.prototype._initWs = async function () {
let that = this;
let ws = new WebSocket(biboxws,"",{headers:{
'BIBOX-API-KEY': apikey,
}}); = ws;
ws.on('open', function open() {
console.log(new Date(), 'open')
setInterval(function () {
ws.on('close', data => {
console.log('close, ', data);
ws.on('error', data => {
console.log('error ',data);
ws.on('ping', data => {
console.log('ping ', data.toString('utf8'));
ws.on('pong', data => {
console.log('pong ', data.toString('utf8'));
ws.on('message', data => {
console.log(data.toString()) // the data may be is error message,check the data's stream is order or account
let instance = new wsClass();
instance._initWs().catch(err => {
Using the Websocket push service, you can obtain the account balance and order change information in time.
Connect to Websocket server
Please use the following URL to connect to the Websocket server:
When connecting, please append the following HTTP request headers
Please refer to the Authentication chapter for specific methods
Data flow After the connection is successfully established, the client will receive the balance change information and order change information of the account corresponding to the ApiKey. The format is as follows:
"stream": "account",
"stream": { Account }
"stream": "order",
"data": { Order }
When the account balance changes, the account event is received
"stream": "account",
"data": {
"s":"USDT", // asset code
"a":10000, // available amount
"h":0 // frozen amount
When the order changes, the order event will be received
"stream": "order",
"data": {
"i": 4611688217450643477, // The order id assigned by the exchange
"I": "", // User specified order id
"m": "BTC_USDT", // trading pair code
"T": "limit", // order type
"s": "sell", // order direction
"Q": -0.0100, // order amount
"P": 10043.8500, // Order price
"t": "gtc", // Time In Force
"o": false, // Post Only
"S": "filled", // Order status
"E": -0.0100, // transaction volume
"e": -100.43850000, // transaction value
"C": 1643193746043, // creation time
"U": 1643193746464, // update time
"n": 2, // Number of transactions
error code
- -1xxx network or server failure
- -2xxx request header or parameter error
- -3xxx requests could not be handled correctly
Code | Description |
-1000 | Unknown |
-2001 | No request header given |
-2002 | Invalid value for request header |
-2003 | No parameter given |
-2004 | Invalid value for parameter |
-2005 | Body contains invalid Json format |
-2006 | Invalid signature |
-2101 | Specified API access limit exceeded |
-2102 | Specified API usage limit exceeded |
-2103 | ApiKey has not been granted the relevant permission |
-2104 | Request expired |
-3001 | Specified asset does not exist |
-3002 | Specified trading pair does not exist |
-3003 | Specified order does not exist |