Restful API Spot trading

Market Quotation(apikey is not necessary)

Network testing

// Request
    "cmd": "ping"
    "body": {}

// Response
    "result": {}, //Test succeed

View trading pair

// Request
    "cmd": "api/pairList",
    "body": {}

// Response
            "id":1,// pair id
            "pair":"BIX_BTC" //pair symbol

View Kline

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
period true string Kline period '1min', '3min', '5min', '15min', '30min', '1hour', '2hour', '4hour', '6hour', '12hour', 'day', 'week'
size false integer how many 1000 1-1000
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "api/kline",
    "body": {
        "pair": "BIX_BTC",
        "period": "1min",
        "size": 10

// Response
            "time":1512660420000, // Timestamp
            "open":"0.00586568",  // Opening Price
            "high":"0.00586568",  // The highest price
            "low":"0.00586568",   // The lowest price
            "close":"0.00586568", // Closing Price
            "vol":"0"             // Trading Volume

View the market quotation of all tokens

// Request
    "cmd": "api/marketAll",
    "body": {}


// Response
            "coin_symbol":"BIX",            //Trading Token
            "currency_symbol":"BTC",        //Pricing Token
            "last":"0.00002704",            //24h the lastest price
            "high":"0.00003480",            //24h the highest price
            "low":"0.00001951",             //24h the lowest price
            "change":"+0.00000715",         //24h price change
            "percent":"+35.95%",            //24h price change percentage
            "vol24H":"641954",              //24h Trading Volume
            "amount":"16.55",               //24h Trading Amount
            "last_cny":"1.84",              //The lastest price equivelant to CNY
            "last_usd":"0.27",              //The lastest price equivalent to USD

View market quotation of a single token

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "api/market",
    "body": {
        "pair": "BIX_BTC"

// Response
            "coin_symbol":"BIX",            //Trading Token
            "currency_symbol":"BTC",        //Pricing Token
            "last":"0.00002704",            //24h the lastest price
            "high":"0.00003480",            //24h the highest price
            "low":"0.00001951",             //24h the lowest price
            "change":"+0.00000715",         //24h price change
            "percent":"+35.95%",            //24h price change percentage
            "vol24H":"641954",              //24h Trading Volume
            "amount":"16.55",               //24h Trading Amount
            "last_cny":"1.84",              //The lastest price equivelant to CNY
            "last_usd":"0.27",              //The lastest price equivalent to USD

View the depth of the market

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
size false integer how many 200 1-200
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "api/depth",
    "body": {
        "pair": "BIX_BTC"

// Response
        "asks":[                            //The depth of sellers
                "price":"0.008654",         //The price of pending order
                "volume":"200.9123"         //The price of pending orders
        "bids":[                            //The depth of buyers
                "price":"0.008596",         //The price of pending order
                "volume":"18.54306495"      //The price of pending orders

View trading record history

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
size false integer how many 200 1-200
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "api/deals",
    "body": {
        "pair": "LTC_BTC"

// Response
            "price":"0.008601",                 //Trading price
            "amount":"24.12584739",             //Trading amount
            "time":"1512721748000",             //Trading time
            "side":2                            //Taker trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell
            "price":"0.008611",                 //Trading price
            "amount":"24.23584739",             //Trading amount
            "time":"1512721748000",             //Trading time
            "side":2                            //Taker trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell

View the market ticker

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "api/ticker",
    "body": {
        "pair": "BIX_BTC"

// Response
        "pair":"BIX_BTC",           //Trading pair
        "buy":"0.00582132",         //The highest bid price
        "buy_amount":"1",           //The highest bid amount
        "high":"0.00778847",        //24h The highest price
        "last":"0.00582156",        //The lastest trading price
        "low":"0.00540611",         //24h The lowest price
        "sell":"0.00582152",        //The lowest ask price
        "sell_amount":"1",           //The lowest ask amount
        "timestamp":1510983122665,  //Timestamp
        "vol":"70.50811953"         //24h trading volume
        "percent":"+10.02%"         //24h price change percentage
        "last_cny":"621.53",        //The lastest trading price,equivalent to CNY
        "last_usd":"93.93"          //The lastest trading price,equivalent to USD

The trade parameter specification

        "min_trade_price":{             //the minimum price
            "default":"0.00000001",     //the default minimum price, applies to all PAIRs except the PAIRs of USDT-denominated and DAI-denominated
            "USDT":"0.0001",            //the minimum price applies to the PAIRs of USDT-denominated, more than 0.0001 of the decimal part will be automatically discarded
            "DAI":"0.0001"              //the minimum price applies to the PAIRs of DAI-denominated, more than 0.0001 of the decimal part will be automatically discarded
        "min_trade_amount":{            //the minimum amount
            "default":"0.0001"          //the minimum amount applies to all PAIRs, more than 0.0001 of the decimal part will be automatically discarded
        "min_trade_money":{             //the minimum money (money = price * amount)
            "USDT":"1",                 //the minimum money applies to the PAIRs of USDT-denominated
            "DAI":"1",                  //the minimum money applies to the PAIRs of DAI-denominated

Users Asset Information (needs apikey)

Spot account asset

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
select false integer View or not the asset details 0-The total assets of all tokens, 1-the asset details of all tokens
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/assets",
    "body": {
        "select": 1

// Response
        "total_btc":"107.71371658",             //The total assets of all tokens, equivalent to BTC
        "total_cny":"5587362.53",               //The total assets of all tokens, equivalent to CNY
        "total_usd":"4000.30",                  //The total assets of all tokens, equivalent to USD
        "assets_list":[                         //The asset details of tokens
                "balance":"102.31666784",       //Available
                "freeze":"0.01800000",          //Freeze
                "BTCValue":"1100.35043000",     //equivalent to BTC
                "CNYValue":"59448654.69",       //equivalent to CNY
                "USDValue":"8945419.86",        //equivalent to USD


Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
coin_symbol true string deposit Token BIX, EOS, ...
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/transferIn",

// Response
    "result":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", //deposit address


Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
coin_symbol true string withdraw Token BIX, ETH, ...
amount true double withdraw amount
totp_code false integer google code New address required,Old address ignored
trade_pwd false string trade password New address required,Old address ignored
addr true string withdraw address
addr_remark true string the remark of withdraw address
memo false string withdraw tag memo is required for some tokens, such as EOS
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/transferOut",

// Response
    "result":228   //withdrawal id

Deposit history list

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
filter_type false integer filter type 0 0-all,1-deposit is in process,2-deposit finished,3-deposit failed
coin_symbol false string deposit token BIX, ETH, ...
page true integer The page number from the page 1
size true integer the amount in one page 1-50
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/transferInList",
    "body": {
        "filter_type": 0,
        "page": 1,
        "size": 10,

// Response
                "coin_symbol":"ETH",                        // token
                "to_address":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",  // address
                "amount":"1.00000000",                      // amount
                "confirmCount":"15",                        // the acknowledgment number
                "status":2                                 // status,  1-deposit is in process,2-deposit finished,3-deposit failed

Withdraw history list

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
filter_type false integer filter type -2: The review fails; -1: user canceled; 0: to be reviewed; 1: The review passes (token to be listed); 2: token listing; 3: token listing completed
coin_symbol false string deposit token BIX, ETH, ...
page true integer The page number from the page 1
size true integer the amount in one page 1-50
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/transferOutList",
    "body": {
        "page": 1,
        "size": 10,

// Response
                "coin_symbol":"ETH",                        // token
                "to_address":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",  // address
                "amount":"1.00000000",                      // amount
                "fee":"0.00000000",                         // withdraw fee
                "status":-2                                 // Status, -2: The review fails; -1: user canceled; 0: to be reviewed; 1: The review passes (token to be listed); 2: token listing; 3: token listing completed

Query token config

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
coin_symbol false string token BIX, ETH...
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/coinConfig",
    "body": {


// Response
            "original_decimals":8,              //the original decimals of token
            "enable_deposit":1,                 //enable deposit,0-no,1-yes
            "enable_withdraw":1,                //enable withdraw,0-no,1-yes
            "withdraw_fee":0.0005,              //withdraw fee
            "withdraw_min":0.005                //the minimum amount
        ... //其他币种配置信息

Withdrawal information

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
id true integer withdrawal id


// Request
    "cmd": "transfer/withdrawInfo",
    "body": {
        "id": 228

// Response
        "createdAt": 1512756997000,
        "coin_symbol":"LTC",                        //
        "to_address":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",  // withdrawal address
        "status":3,                                 // Status, -2: The review fails; -1: user canceled; 0: to be reviewed; 1: The review passes (token to be listed); 2: token listing; 3: token listing completed
        "amount":"1.00000000",                      // amount
        "fee":0.1                                   // fee

Transaction(Needs apikey)

place an order

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair true string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
order_type true integer Trading type 2-limit order
order_side true integer Trading side 1-Buy,2-Sell
price true double order price minimum value 0.00000001
amount true double order amount minimum value 0.0001
client_oid false long to string client order id '110011223344'
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/trade",
    "index": 12345,                  //random index, specific one in a batch
    "body": {
        "pair": "BIX_BTC",           
        "account_type": 0,           
        "order_type": 2,             
        "order_side": 1,            
        "price": 0.00032,          
        "amount": 1000,       
        "client_oid": '110011223344'     

// Response
    "result": "100055558128036",     //order id
    "index": 12345,   //random index, specific one in a batch

cancel an order

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
orders_id true string order id
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/cancelTrade",
    "index": 12345,                  
    "body": {
        "orders_id": "8588285380268971"              

// Response
    "result":"OK",    //Note: This result only indicates that the server received the cancelling request, and the cancelling result can query the order record
    "index": 12345,   //random index, specific one in a batch

The current order list

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair false string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
order_side false integer Trading side 1-Buy,2-Sell
coin_symbol false string Trading Token BIX, EOS, ...
currency_symbol false string Pricing Token BTC, USDT, ...
page true integer The page number from the page 1
size true integer the amount in one page 1-50
  • example
// Request
     "cmd": "orderpending/orderPendingList",
     "body": {
         "account_type": 0,
         "order_side": 2,
         "page": 1,
         "size": 10,
         "coin_symbol": "LTC",
         "currency_symbol": "BTC"

// Response
                "createdAt": 1512756997000,
                "coin_symbol":"LTC",                    //Trading Token
                "currency_symbol":"BTC",                //Pricing Token
                "order_side":2,                         //Trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell
                "order_type":2,                         //2-limit order
                "price":"0.00900000",                   //order price
                "amount":"1.00000000",                  //order amount
                "money":"0.00900000",                   //currency amount (price * amount)
                "deal_amount":"0.00000000",             //deal amount
                "deal_percent":"0.00%",                 //deal percentage
                "unexecuted":"0.00000000",              //unexecuted amount
                "status":1                              //Status,-1-fail, 0,1-to be dealt, 2-dealt partly, 3-dealt totally, 4- cancelled partly, 5-cancelled totally, 6-to be cancelled

The order history

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair false string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
order_side false integer Trading side 1-Buy,2-Sell
coin_symbol false string Trading Token BIX, EOS, ...
currency_symbol false string Pricing Token BTC, USDT, ...
page true integer The page number from the page 1
size true integer the amount in one page 1-50
hide_cancel false integer hide cancelled orders 0-not hide,1-hide
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/pendingHistoryList",
    "body": {
        "account_type": 0,
        "order_side": 2,
        "page": 1,
        "size": 10,
        "coin_symbol": "LTC",
        "currency_symbol": "BTC"

// Response
                "createdAt": 1512756997000,
                "coin_symbol":"LTC",                    //Trading Token
                "currency_symbol":"BTC",                //Pricing Token
                "order_side":2,                         //Trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell
                "order_type":2,                         //2-limit order
                "price":"0.00900000",                   //order price
                "amount":"1.00000000",                  //order amount
                "money":"0.00900000",                   //currency amount (price * amount)
                "deal_amount":"0.00000000",             //deal amount
                "deal_percent":"0.00%",                 //deal percentage
                "unexecuted":"0.00000000",              //unexecuted amount
                "status":3                              //Status,-1-fail, 0,1-to be dealt, 2-dealt partly, 3-dealt totally, 4- cancelled partly, 5-cancelled totally, 6-to be cancelled

The order history detail

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
id true string order id
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/orderDetail",
    "body": {
        "id": "11221615825364891"

// Response
        "sum":"0.00588746",                 // sum of amount
                "id":"2251799813844119243",   //deal id
                "createdAt":1561007144000,    //deal timestamp 
                "account_type":0,             //spot account
                "coin_symbol":"KAT",          //Trading Token
                "currency_symbol":"ETH",      //Pricing Token
                "order_side":2,               //Trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell
                "order_type":2,               //2-limit order
                "price":"0.00001183",         //order price
                "amount":"497.6722",          //order amount
                "money":"0.00588746",         //currency amount (price * amount)
                "fee":"0.00000000",           //fee amount
                "pay_bix":0,                  //pay bix for fee
                "fee_symbol":"ETH",           //fee token symbol
                "relay_id":"11221615825364891" // order id

The order

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
id true string order id
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/order",
    "body": {
        "id": "100055558128036"

// Response
        "createdAt": 1512756997000,
        "coin_symbol":"LTC",                    //Trading Token
        "currency_symbol":"BTC",                //Pricing Token
        "order_side":2,                         //Trading side 1-Buy, 2-Sell
        "order_type":2,                         //2-limit order
        "price":"0.00900000",                   //order price
        "amount":"1.00000000",                  //order amount
        "money":"0.00900000",                   //currency amount (price * amount)
        "deal_amount":"0.00000000",             //deal amount
        "deal_percent":"0.00%",                 //deal percentage
        "unexecuted":"0.00000000",              //unexecuted amount
        "status":3                              //Status, -1-fail, 0,1-to be dealt, 2-dealt partly, 3-dealt totally, 4- cancelled partly, 5-cancelled totally, 6-to be cancelled

The dealed order history

Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair false string Trading pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
account_type true integer Account type 0-spot account
order_side false integer Trading side 1-Buy,2-Sell
coin_symbol false string Trading Token BIX, EOS, ...
currency_symbol false string Pricing Token BTC, USDT, ...
page true integer The page number from the page 1
size true integer the amount in one page 1-50
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/orderHistoryList",
    "body": {
        "account_type": 0,
        "order_side": 2,
        "page": 1,
        "size": 10,
        "coin_symbol": "LTC",
        "currency_symbol": "BTC"

// Response
                "createdAt": 1512756997000,

The dealed order history last

  • Query the transaction records after the specified id number, and return 1000 records per page
  • POST
  • cmd: orderpending/orderDetailsLast
  • Request parameter
Name Necessary or not Type Description Default Value Range
pair false string pair BIX_BTC, ETH_BTC, ...
account_type true integer account type 0-spot account
id true string Id number at the beginning of the transaction record greater than "1000000000"
page true integer The page number from the page 1
  • example
// Request
    "cmd": "orderpending/orderDetailsLast",
    "body": {
        "account_type": 0,
        "id": "1000000000",
        "page": 1,
        "pair": "LTC_BTC",

// Response
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